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Full story


BOO Bar Monster Tea was born from a meeting of talents that we have in common the enthusiasm to promote the culture of specialty coffee and thus improve the quality of what Mexicans consume and to publicize the excellent beans of our country in Mexico and the world. .


At the same time exalt the culture of organic food, respect for fair trade and protection of the environment.

endulzar el café


Our mission is to promote the culture of coffee and support the indigenous communities of our country, working in partnership with small coffee producers, with fair trade and bilateral development.


We offer a comprehensive solution for our customers, guaranteeing quality coffee hand in hand with excellent service.


To be a leading company in the  cafeteria and artisan pastry business recognized in the central area of the country. Stand out for the quality and flavor of our products, attention and customer service.

Using the highest quality standards and cutting-edge technology in our production processes.

Gotero de café


  • Crear una cultura con sentido de pertenencia, donde todos se sienten bienvenidos.

  • Entregar nuestro mejor esfuerzo en todo lo que hacemos, haciéndonos responsables de los resultados.

  • Actuando con valentía, desafiando el status quo, y encontrando nuevas maneras de crecer como persona y como empresa.

Goteo de café
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